Apps and Students
There was a super interesting thread on twitter where people were sharing the apps they're working on in anticipation of WWDC 2021. A few caught my eye, especially these five health related apps....
There was a super interesting thread on twitter where people were sharing the apps they're working on in anticipation of WWDC 2021. A few caught my eye, especially these five health related apps....
Helping your child learn something is doubly challenging when the parent doesn't know where to start. Here's a quick start decision tree for parents trying to introduce coding to their kids....
When the internet first emerged as a force for commerce, people got it. Crypto has been flying under the crazy banner for a decade, so it’s out in the open but people are (mostly) not paying attention. Crypto is bigger than most realize. Here’s a human explanation of why....
Have a look at what a few teens in a local town did to expose damage to their community. Think about how these kids are making things happen, leveraging technology and synthesizing information across disciplines to create a final product....
About my writing, exciting things at Apple, the internet of money, and a few random topics fill today's newsletter....
Sometimes we need to hear old value propositions wrapped in current news. Here's an old use case in a crypto story to help you understand the power of APIs and the meaning of delivering a delightful customer experience....
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