I did not know that when I traveled to Brazil and Colombia in 2015 and 2016 to speak about APIs, security, and digital transformation that it would lead to the relationships that get me invited back regularly.

I did have to pass on one invitation but had the pleasure of talking about APIs in April 2021.

IAM Tech Day is a virtual conference, with presentations scheduled for October 25th and 26th. My session will be on the 26th at 8:20am. It's presented in English, with subtitles in Portuguese.

I will be sharing a jargon-less story, told in under 20 minutes, that helps humans understand what it means to "own and control" our own digital identity on Web3.

And, now that the event has passed, here's the recording from YouTube:

About This Post

See the abstract. I wish I had done this sort of thing for every speaking event I've done for two reasons:

  1. As a speaker/participant, it's important to support these events (when I speak at events, I feel that I'm in service of both event organizers AND attendees and this is one way that I express that feeling). I'll share information here prior to this event, and then again after the event. I hope attendees use what I share to learn more, engage with other speakers, and get more out of the conference than they otherwise would.
  2. It's a great resume of speaking events. Turns out I'm good and maybe it could have been more a part of my career if I had a good portfolio.

In this post I'll share some of my own research material, blog posts from other speakers that I find interesting, and post-event, the slides and my session recording (if available).

If you speak at events, you should try doing something like this too.

Let's Learn Something

Please Support Me and the Event

As always, there are a few things I'd like to ask if you find this valuable.

  1. Follow Alfredo Santos the event organizer on LinkedIn to get the absolute latest on what's happening.
  2. Register for free and attend the conference. You can always watch session recordings on your own time.
  3. Subscribe to this site. Top right corner. I don't send many emails, and when I do I have about a 60% open rate (which means the audience finds them valuable).
  4. If you have a conference and need a speaker who can make complex technology conversational for regular people, drop me a note and let's talk.