I did not know that when I traveled to Brazil and Colombia in 2015 and 2016 to speak about APIs, security, and digital transformation that it would lead to the relationships that get me invited back regularly.
I did have to pass on one invitation but had the pleasure of talking about APIs in April 2021.
IAM Tech Day is a virtual conference, with presentations scheduled for October 25th and 26th. My session will be on the 26th at 8:20am. It's presented in English, with subtitles in Portuguese.
And, now that the event has passed, here's the recording from YouTube:
About This Post
See the abstract. I wish I had done this sort of thing for every speaking event I've done for two reasons:
- As a speaker/participant, it's important to support these events (when I speak at events, I feel that I'm in service of both event organizers AND attendees and this is one way that I express that feeling). I'll share information here prior to this event, and then again after the event. I hope attendees use what I share to learn more, engage with other speakers, and get more out of the conference than they otherwise would.
- It's a great resume of speaking events. Turns out I'm good and maybe it could have been more a part of my career if I had a good portfolio.
In this post I'll share some of my own research material, blog posts from other speakers that I find interesting, and post-event, the slides and my session recording (if available).
If you speak at events, you should try doing something like this too.
Let's Learn Something

- Why we should care about Web3 identity. Sandy Carter.
- My session is based on this use case that I wrote a short time ago about "verified purchasers".
- Interesting post by Coinbase on What Web3 Identity Needs.
- The Potential of Portable Reputation. Forbes / Sandy Carter.
Please Support Me and the Event
As always, there are a few things I'd like to ask if you find this valuable.
- Follow Alfredo Santos the event organizer on LinkedIn to get the absolute latest on what's happening.
- Register for free and attend the conference. You can always watch session recordings on your own time.
- Subscribe to this site. Top right corner. I don't send many emails, and when I do I have about a 60% open rate (which means the audience finds them valuable).
- If you have a conference and need a speaker who can make complex technology conversational for regular people, drop me a note and let's talk.